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The Fall Book 2: The Crimson Shadow

書名:The Fall Book 2: The Crimson Shadow
作者:Una McCormack

Cardassia大選在即,國內卻冒起了一股極端愛國勢力Cardassia First,他們由Evek Temet領導,大肆抨擊現任Castellan Rakena Garan軟弱,甘願成為聯邦的走狗,反被Bajorian踐踏等,並在Cemet引發騷亂。Rakena Garan立即起程回國,放棄出席DS9II的開幕禮,專心應付Cardassia First。

聯邦經歷連場大戰,軍力已大不如前,加上Cardassia已是Khitomer Alliance中的盟友,所以加快撤出Cardassia,把軍力調往其他更有需要的地方。企業號和Elim Garak都來到Cardassia Prime,為撤軍的細節作最後準備,可是,此時卻有一個名叫Aleyni Cam的Bajorian HARF(聯合重建行動總部,Headquarters Allied Reconstruction Forces)軍官被殺於Munda'ar街頭,令撤軍增添了變數。

迅速冒升的Cardassia First公開鞭撻Rakena Garan任由聯邦搶走主權,讓國人的生活更加艱難。Elim Garak被Rakena Garan委派出席與Evek Temet的電視辯論,雖然Garak能震懾全場,不過Temet仍在電視號召Cardassia First支持者於兩天後集結於HARF門外,宣示對聯邦的不滿,大型衝突如箭在弦。在North Torr社區,極端愛國份子更向與聯邦友好的Cardassian施襲,且聲言聯邦撤軍之後,他們會孤立無援,會被Cardassian的愛國者所包圍。



《The Crimson Shadow》簡直是一部神作。作者Una McCormack將當前Cardassia遇到的困境描述得淋漓盡致——一個正在復甦中的國家,因為Nanietta Bacco之死而再次面臨崩解。聯邦臨時總統Ishan Anjar(一個Bajorian)的上場,令到很多之前對Cardassia的信任都變得盪然無存,臨近成功的撒軍協議要重新商討,過往與聯邦緊密合作的Rakena Garan和Elim Garak,政治生涯瀕臨毀滅,假如Evek Temet能取而代之,掌握政權,Cardassia將會倒退回軍國主義,而開明改革派近十年的努力就完全白費。

這一幕幕的凶險,令人讀得驚心動魄,致使我不能不給予五星的評級來突顯其優異。讀的時候,我不禁想像,假如這本書是由David Mack來執筆的話,會變成甚麼樣子?企業號的一眾主角,聯同Cardassian友好,站在North Torr和East Torr的衝突當中,激戰連場,勇武地阻止暴亂?我慶幸執筆的是Una McCormack,她一筆也沒有寫當晚的衝突,只是聰明地把筆力集中在Garak、Picard、Garan、Ishan等人的交涉之上,令故事變得更劇力萬鈞。

本書雖然屬於TNG故事,但讀者的目光還是很易會聚焦在Garak之上……這個角色實在是太有魅力,太過有趣了!「I am part of that Power that ever wills Evil and always does good」(《The Master and Margarita》Mikhail Bulgakov) 、「I have been all that was worst about the old Cardassia, and I have learned a great deal from all those who are best about our new Cardassia」。作為黑暗和光明的混合體,Garek深諳人性的兩面;人,總能將自己邪惡的行為合理化:

One doesn't commit evil actions in the belief
that one is acting wrongly.
What allows one to commit such acts is the belief
that it will contribute to a greater good.

雖然上述引文是出自Picard口中,不過,Garek本人也是同意的,他豐富的人生經驗,讓他向Arati Mhevet說出了以下的一番話,來引証Picard的觀點:

The Obsidian Order, Central Command, the True Way,
Starfleet, empires, unions, federations -
these are names and names only.

They are tools.

They count for nothing if the purpose is flawed.
That was my mistake for a long time -
confusing the purpose with the instrument.
It took me a long time to learn the truth.

The truth is that the institution flourishes only
when the people who comprise it flourish.
And if the people are sick,
the institution will be sick.

所有組織、制度都只是工具,本質上,它們是不帶任何善惡的——善惡之別,只在於人怎樣去使用這些工具。Obsidian Order最初是用來消弭各家族之間的糾紛,而Central Command也是為管理好社會上的資源而出現的,但它們最終都變成了邪惡的工具、夢魘,就因為人「病了」。

同理,Nanietta Bacco離逝、人心的恐懼,也可以將聯邦帶往另一條錯誤、完全違反初衷的路上,Gene Roddenberry所預視的美好將來,也很有可能不會實現,而Federation則變成了Mirror Universe中的Terran Empire(ENT S4E18&19: In a Mirror, DarklyTOS S2E04: Mirror, Mirror)。

Perhaps the error had been in formalizing
this purpose around an institution,
she thought,
and then giving that institution free rein.

In doing so,
the Cardassian people had outsourced their consciences
and relieved themselves of the burden of self-​scrutiny.

We tricked ourselves,
she thought,
when we handed this responsibility over to others.
It's the duty of each one of us;
it's the service we require from one another.

Arati Mhevet深思Garek的話後,得出以上的一個結論,問題最初的根源,就是人將自己的良心外判出去,把自己的責任都交給其他人,從而製造出一隻碩大無朋的怪獸,連自己也被吞噬下去了。


Later, he stepped out of the shadows and into the light,
and the right words came, as they usually did.

讀《The Crimson Shadow》的時候,台灣反服貿的抗爭取得了一定成功,其間,網絡上熱傳一段話:



書名:The Fall Book 2: The Crimson Shadow
作者:Una McCormack
出版社:Pocket Books
ISBN:978-1-4767-2283-3 (ebook)

