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Q Are Cordially Uninvited

書名:Q Are Cordially Uninvited
作者:Rudy Josephs

故事的第一幕,雖然沒有註明日子,但肯定是發生在Picard的結婚紀念日。Worf和LaForge在Holodeck回顧結婚典禮時,Picard伉儷向二人講述結婚前一天,Q曾到訪法國Picard葡萄莊園,自命伴郎(Best Man)並為新郎舉辦了一個寡佬派對(Bachelor Party)……

所以故事的主體,實則發生於2380年,介乎於《Before Dishonor》《Greater than the Sum》之間。因為Q的搞怪,讓Picard伉儷只能每逢結婚周年紀念才能記起此段回憶,作者算是補救了為甚麼事隔多年才敘述此故事。




作者算是有諗頭,設計Q在婚前把Picard和Vash(TNG S3E19: Captain's Holiday)放在一起,在Delta Quadrant的Myndra尋找傳說中的寶藏(A race of pirates traveling the galaxy, plundering pre-warp civilizations of their greatest treasures!)(The archaeological discovery to end all discoveries)(The Collection of Time and Space),不過,很可惜,Picard的堅定及Vash放浪已再起不到任何化學作用,從而讓故事變成一個單純的尋寶歷險。


Beverly用盡人脈召來Q的老婆(VOY S3E11: The Q and the Grey),卻只能說服她把自己帶到Myndra,可是,Beverly的出現卻讓Picard在整個尋寶得到優勢。Beverly推斷Myndra滅於一種突如其來的疫症,而這疫症可能是因為Myndra把某件外來的寶物帶到星球上所引致。眾人從隔離區推算出寶物的源頭(Ground Zero),Picard也提出了白帆(Blank Canvas)理論加快找出寶物。

故事當然是無驚無險,喜劇收場。Q除了表達想與Vash再一起闖蕩江湖外,還真的給了一份很好的結婚禮物給Picard:把Picard、Beverly和一眾親朋戚友,帶到失落已久的亞歷山大圖書館(Library of Alexandria),在真實的時空舉行了結婚儀式。(除Picard和Beverly外,其他人基本上都是意識模糊的……)


When I met you,
I thought you were nothing more than
an insignificant bipedal creature
playing captain on a starship
too small for the enormity that is this galaxy.

But over time,
I have come to learn that you, and your starship,
are far more than you may physically appear.
Because you are not just one man.
You are a collection of people
and shared experiences that
make the individual parts of you
combine into one fascinating whole.

Didn't know I had it in me, did you?
(Q said softly to Picard, before continuing)

Of the many experiences
and the people who share your life,
there is none that have come to mean
so much to you as Beverly Crusher.
Together, you have found the only treasure
that matters in this existence.

And I am so pleased to be the one
that allows you now to bind it together
through the great mysteries of the galaxy that
I possess and share it with all that you know.

It is with great pleasure that,
by the powers vested in me by the Continuum
and all that is tied together in this galaxy,
I now pronounce you husband and wife.



書名:Q Are Cordially Uninvited
作者:Rudy Josephs
出版社:Pocket Books

